Burnt marks and sweet nothings

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Things you'll never find

Saturday, December 23, 2006

okayyy, so last 2 days i think i havent posted anything, so here's a post.
came back frm kt's place at paya lebar. went to ' play ' soccer wid my injured ankle. life sucks. old ailment came back again on the ankle...cause we didnt had any place in mind to go, den decided to go kt's place. went to play billiard there first, den headed to his place to change. dis afternoon went to acc celeste to the doc's. poor thing cough like hell. take care alright =D and no, i dont wish u to die, im not a meanie OKAY. and yes i know how to take care of myself even though the floor might be slippery :D so u better get more rest at home alright.
okay backk to life. yesterday went out wid ivy n peiwen to town to acc peiwen buy a pair of earings for joey's birthday, den went to slack around at cream, den went to macs for dinner, den ivy headed home, peiwen waited for her guy of the month. and i went to find chicky n gang. took a bus down to anchorage to collect the presents frm cynthia, den took a bus to my place nearby and changed a cab up to mount faber to look for kt n jeremy. sat around and slacked till jason came and picked us up. aunty jason. LOL. hehehe so CUTE~ tmd thats like lord of the gays.
alright enuff of gayness, and so, xmas is COMING. Fuckinggggg boreddddddd. Ivy's got her plans already, and i dont know wad other plans the others are having. definately NO town for me please, sucks to be sprayed everywhere...ok so life these 2 days. sucked big time...

sometimes u regret not giving someone your attention only when that person does the same to you

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