Burnt marks and sweet nothings

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Things you'll never find

Monday, December 25, 2006

okay so yesterday was xmas eve. followed chick to get some chocs for viknesh and victoria to give to their colleagues, den headed home to changed, den meet celeste at tiong bahru plaza. acc her to buy her presents, den we went to meet the rest of the fellas, justin sk kelwin huiting n her bf. so we took a train, headed to clarke quay. waited for leonard and weicong there. den headed to clarke quay's TCC to have dinner. after dinner we took the river boat to esplanade, took a couple of photos there, will upload later once huiting sends me the pics. and erm, stopped at esplanade, den we headed to marina, before heading home wid leonard and lest in cab. sorry guys had to ditch u guys for the movie !! will make up to u guys again next week or something alright =D
but the xmas mood, was boring. xmas every year seems to be boring...
oh yes, and so lest, im supposed to be honoured right u're my date this time around. u shld also be honoured. im your baby eh =DDD

she's all i want, just for me, underneath my xmas tee. i'll be waiting here,santa thats my only wish this year

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